
15 Mar 2002


Don't you just love TLAs? Three Letter Acronyms I mean. And FLAs. We got plenty of them today when we attended our first EDUCAM meeting. As the name suggests, this is an organisation devoted to education in Cambodia, and it provides an informal forum for people in the field (mainly working for NGOs) to exchange views and keep up to date with developments. As there were many new faces at the meeting we were all asked to introduce ourselves and we noted participants from many of the big organisations such as UNICEF, as well as the unknowns such as our own. We're pretty new to all this stuff so a lot of it went over our heads, but it's obvious that there's a lot going on and that there are a multitude of players in the field. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (an interesting combination!) is trying to pull it all together to maximise the benefits of NGO participation and make sure that it is aligned with Cambodia's own efforts. They should start by providing a glossary of TLAs... is ESSP related to ESDP? ... and is SEDP the same as ESDP, just that someone made a mistake when they wrote it?